1. Stastical analysis of drinking water in soan river sub watershed catchment area in una, himachal pradesh, india
Authors : Bindu Sharma
Pages : 47-52
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.174.07
Keywords : FertilizersHerbicidesPesticidessustainabilitywatershed Abstract :Abstract: Water is the basic resource for existence of life on earth. Water parameters assessment is a basic tool for diagnosing overall health of aquatic ecosystems. systematic calculation of standard error mean (SEM), statistical study by calculating correlation coefficient (r) between different pairs of parameter and one sample and paired sample t-test was applied for checking significance. Results show variation of parameter with season. One sample t- test shows that there was significant relationship in both the seasons for all parameters the sites. Paired sample t- test shows that there was significant relationship of temperature pH, and TDS with the site 2- site 3 in post monsoon season only while EC had significant relationship in both seasons with the site1-site 3 and site2-site 3. Bicarbonate had significant correlation with the site1- site 3 in post monsoon season while it had significant correlation with site 2 - site 3. DO BOD and COD significant correlation with site1-site 3 and site 2- site 3 in both seasons whereas BOD and COD had significant correlation with site 1- site 2 in post monsoon. Results show significant positive correlation holds for one parameter with the other except temperature with EC, TDS, Bicarbonate, DO, BOD; pH with EC, TDS DO, BOD, COD; EC with COD. Pearson correlation for pre monsoon showed that there was no significant correlation of temperature with any other parameter but pH show significant correlation with the Bicarbonate; Electrical conductivity with the TDS, Bicarbonate, DO, BOD and COD. TDS with the DO, BOD, COD; Bicarbonate with the DO; DO with the BOD and COD while COD with the EC, TDS and DO.
Citing this Journal Article :Bindu Sharma, "Stastical analysis of drinking water in soan river sub watershed catchment area in una, himachal pradesh, india", Volume 17 Issue 4 - October 2020, 47-52
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