1. Cop analysis of domestic refrigerator using different refrigerant
Authors : Prajakta Khare, Dr. S.c. Gajbhiye
Pages : 77-83
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.173.11
Keywords : Refrigeration; compression cycle; coefficient of performance (COP); refrigerants. Abstract :Refrigeration technology, do the best work of stopping the rapid multiplications of the bacteria, which helps or benefits to the society of the changes of falling ill from bacteria illnesses are, reduces. These articles present the comparison of the coefficient of performance of refrigerator system, which is based on vapor compression cycle. So in this research work, using the refrigerator test rig and obtain the performance of the domestic refrigerator in terms of coefficient of performance (COP), firstly, theoretically analyzing the two important operating conditions parameter which are temperature and pressure, and secondly carry out the experimentation using these parameters for two different refrigerants, namely R134a and R152a.
Citing this Journal Article :Prajakta Khare, Dr. S.c. Gajbhiye, "Cop analysis of domestic refrigerator using different refrigerant", Volume 17 Issue 3 - September 2020, 77-83
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