1. Review of flow dynamics of various fluids from tube banks geometries
Authors : Dr. R. P. Ram
Pages : 88-93
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.171.14
Keywords : cylindersperiodic flowdrag coefficientsstreamlinesisotherms Abstract :This review paper is focused on the works available for the flow of fluids over tube banks in various geometrical arrangements. A quick examination of the literature reveals that most of the investigations from such an industrially important geometry have been done numerically and scant works are reported experimentally. The local and global features of fluids such as streamlines and isotherm patterns, drag forces and heat transfer phenomena, etc. have been described for both numerical and experimental studies using various ranges of engineering parameters. This paper also discloses the various gaps available in the literature to investigate and explore for a better understanding of the flow dynamics of tube banks geometries.
Citing this Journal Article :Dr. R. P. Ram, "Review of flow dynamics of various fluids from tube banks geometries", Volume 17 Issue 1 - July 2020, 88-93
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