1. Strategies and techniques to design object-oriented programming
Authors : Dr. Manish Kumar
Pages : 33-36
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.171.05
Keywords : Object-Oriented Programming Abstract :In recent years, there has been a surge of interest in the Object-Oriented programming. The object oriented paradigm, which advocates bottom-up program development, appears at first sight to run counter to the classical, top-down approach of structured programming. Object-oriented analysis and design are popular concepts in today’s software development environment. In fact, object oriented programs may have better structure than programs obtained by functional decomposition. The definitions of the basic components of object oriented programming, object, class, and inheritance, are still sufficiently fluid to provide many choices for the designer of an object oriented language.
Citing this Journal Article :Dr. Manish Kumar, "Strategies and techniques to design object-oriented programming", Volume 17 Issue 1 - July 2020, 33-36
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