1. Automatic speed control of vehicle using video processing technology
Authors : Aishwarya Avvannavar, Prof. Shweta.m.nirmanik
Pages : 43-47
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.164.07
Keywords : Video processingSURF algorithmMatlab simulatorPID Abstract :In our present life, time is very precious so every human being tries to complete the task in very less period. Therefore to complete the important task as soon as possible we should increase the speed, vehicle speed is example for this. When we study the increasing scenario of vehicle density, we can observe its growth is increasing very rapidly. And there are chances that drivers do not follow rules and regulations given by traffic control management board. Most of the drivers drive the vehicle very fast so it is necessary to control that. Because it may leads to more accidents. So that to overcome these problems we have proposed the system which automatically controls the speed of vehicle.
Citing this Journal Article :Aishwarya Avvannavar, Prof. Shweta.m.nirmanik, "Automatic speed control of vehicle using video processing technology", Volume 16 Issue 4 - June 2020, 43-47
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