1. Flow of non-newtonian couple stress fluid between two moving parallel disks: exact solutions and stability analyis
Authors : Kempe Gowda M
Pages : 11-17
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.152.03
Keywords : Couple stress, Abstract :In this work the Non-Newtonian couple stress fluid flow between two moving parallel disks is considered. The exact solutions to the steady Navier-Stokes equations for the incompressible Non-Newtonian couple stress fluid flow and stability due to disks moving towards each other or in opposite directions with a constant velocity. The graph of the stationary solutions is depicted. The motion near stagnation point, the periodical one-dimensional perturbation is applied and found that the movement of disks determines the stability of the solution. Stationary solutions in the form of jets are studied.
Citing this Journal Article :Kempe Gowda M, "Flow of non-newtonian couple stress fluid between two moving parallel disks: exact solutions and stability analyis", Volume 15 Issue 2 - December 2019, 11-17
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