1. A survey on gait analysis as a biometric system
Authors : Abhijay Nair, Vinanti Pathare, Siddhesh Shivdikar, Pranali Pashte, Payel Thakur
Pages : 7-10
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.152.02
Keywords : Deep LearningGaitArtificial IntelligenceBiometricsSecurity Abstract :Psychological studies indicate that people have a small but statistically significant ability to recognise the gaits of the people they know. A gait signature will be obtained using the spatial and temporal features obtained by a pipeline of a computer vision and deep learning models. The signature is a vector which can be compared to the existing stored vector which can authenticate a person.
Citing this Journal Article :Abhijay Nair, Vinanti Pathare, Siddhesh Shivdikar, Pranali Pashte, Payel Thakur, "A survey on gait analysis as a biometric system", Volume 15 Issue 2 - December 2019, 7-10
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