1. A mathematical decision model for banks finance investment
Authors : L. N Das, Sanyam Gupta
Pages : 7-11
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.143.02
Keywords : NPASimplex algorithmBinary integer programLinear programming Abstract :An investment is the current commitment of money or material resources with the expectation of reaping future benefits. Also investment is a long term planning at least one year, with low or moderate risks having low or moderate of return. In case planning is short term, (few days or months) risk is high with high rates of return. In this paper we have studied the Union Bank of India’s finance investment policy and decision making procedures by analyzing the NPA and history of the granted loans to the customers. The problem is formulated in form of a constrained linear programming problem and solutions are obtained by using simplex algorithm technique with the use of MATLAB codes.
Citing this Journal Article :L. N Das, Sanyam Gupta, "A mathematical decision model for banks finance investment", Volume 14 Issue 3 - September 2019, 7-11
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