1. Transliteration of arabic person names and libyan cities to english using nooj environment
Authors : Abdelsalam Almarimi, Ezzedin Enbiah
Pages : 52-57
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.132.09
Keywords : NLP Arabic Person Names Transliterations Named Entities Recognition Nooj Linguistic Platform Abstract :This paper presents a transliterating system for Arabic person names and Libyan cities to English through designing and implementing a morphological rules. The proposed system was developed using Nooj Linguistic Environment. First, a Nooj corpus by developing a web crawler for some Libyan articles which are available online is created. The content of articles are stored as XML files and added to the corpus, the link ‘www.libyaakhbar.com/Libya-news/’ is used as a seed link for the crawler. Second, a Nooj grammar is designed for recognizing the person names. Such a grammar represents the Nooj transducer for person names. Third, two Nooj dictionaries for person names Libyan cities are designed and created. Then, applying the designed grammar and dictionaries on the created corpus for testing and evaluating the proposed system. The evaluation metrics, we have used is the known information retrieval and classification measure ‘precision’. The obtained results are very acceptable and realized the system goals.
Citing this Journal Article :Abdelsalam Almarimi, Ezzedin Enbiah, "Transliteration of arabic person names and libyan cities to english using nooj environment ", Volume 13 Issue 2 - April 2019, 52-57
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