1. Biometric confirmation and alert system
Authors : P.jayashree, A.athimoolam, G.baskaran, K.kaaviya
Pages : 1-5
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.131.01
Keywords : Biometric, fingerprint, matching, confirmation, alert, notification Abstract :The major concern for the households and the office environment today is security, and for this concern various approaches are in place to address the problem. Additionally, terrorism and unauthorized access to places have become a major issue now-a-days, and there is a need for a secure system to prevent unauthorized access especially in shared access environment. With this consideration, a design and prototype of a biometric fingerprint based alert and confirmation system has been developed. Humans have used their fingerprints for personal identification for many centuries and the matching accuracy using fingerprints has been very high. A fingerprint is the pattern of ridges and valleys on the surface of a fingertip which is unique for every person. The proposed system is reliable and very secure for ease lifestyle. In this, fingerprints of the authorized users are enrolled and verified to provide access to a facility that is used by multiple users which can be used for the working faculties in schools, colleges etc. This is an Arduino uno based flexible working device which provides physical security using the fingerprint sensor technology. NodeMCU (Node Microcontroller Unit) is used to send notification to the personnel to alert the user some time before they keep their finger print and to send an confirmation message once after they have registered their finger print in the biometric system.
Citing this Journal Article :P.jayashree, A.athimoolam, G.baskaran, K.kaaviya, "Biometric confirmation and alert system", Volume 13 Issue 1 - March 2019, 1-5
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