1. Machine learning for code automation
Authors : Shraddha Maurya, Soham Mudalgikar, Dnyanada Kadiyal
Pages : 11-14
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.121.03
Keywords : machine learning;deep learning;code automation;deepcoder Abstract :Artificial Intelligence and its sub-technology machine learning is spreading its roots in most of the areas. This paper presents one of those areas, where machine learning is being used for code automation. Microsoft researchers and student from University of Cambridge have come up with such a technology named DeepCoder, which can solve simple and short problems like those that appear in a competitive programming contest. When provided with input-output specifications, DeepCoder can solve the problem using Deep Learning. The approach of the system is to train the neural networks to predict the properties or attributes required to build the program to achieve the specified output from the given inputs.
Citing this Journal Article :Shraddha Maurya, Soham Mudalgikar, Dnyanada Kadiyal, "Machine learning for code automation", Volume 12 Issue 1 - November 2018, 11-14
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