1. Fabrication of dc motor operated stairs climbing wheelchair
Authors : Kunal Dhall, Mohammad Noman, Ashutosh Singh, Dhruv Kumar
Pages : 12-16
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.114.03
Keywords : DC Motor, belt, cast iron frame, gear,12V battery Abstract :One of the basic problems of user on manual wheelchair is overcoming architectural barriers stairs etc. on its way. Even though many research studies have been reported in different fields to increase the independence of wheelchair users, this reduces the user’s human effort and force to drive the wheels for wheelchair. The question of overcoming obstacles by a wheelchair always remains as topic of discussion for many researchers. In our project a motor operated stair climbing wheelchair concept which can overcome the architectural barriers to a considerable extent has been developed. This project involves the design of an ergonomically designed battery powered wheel chair for multipurpose use. Stair climbing functionality is embedded in the design through its structure and mechanism. All the design parameters of wheelchair were based on the standard design of the stairs in India. Major part of the project focuses on the proposed design concept and concludes by discussing upon the physical working model developed for the proposed design solution
Citing this Journal Article :Kunal Dhall, Mohammad Noman, Ashutosh Singh, Dhruv Kumar, "Fabrication of dc motor operated stairs climbing wheelchair", Volume 11 Issue 4 - October 2018, 12-16
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