1. Detection of malware apps and ranking in playstore
Authors : Dr. P.maragathavalli, P.r.chandru
Pages : 71-77
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.112.11
Keywords : Malware, Search Rank, Playstore, Genuine Apps, Fraud Detection. Abstract :Google Play which is the most popular Android app market in Fraudulent behaviours is the fuel search rank abuse and malware proliferation. But Google Play App recommendation is very poor in recent days. Genuine apps do not have a proper Ranking in playstore. This is all due to the Fraudulent developers who frequently exploit crowdsourcing sites. This behaviour is called as “search rank fraudâ€. The proposed system deals about slight variation apps which means some fraudulent developer may release hundreds or even thousands of nearly identical apps with the different set of permissions (may be created using app maker tools) that provide the same functionality with slight variation and the non-programmers and non-developers may also create apps by app maker tools. This project uses k-means technique and Kernel weight method which involves comparing of permission weights of the apps, block the malware apps and thus improve ranking of genuine apps.
Citing this Journal Article :Dr. P.maragathavalli, P.r.chandru, "Detection of malware apps and ranking in playstore", Volume 11 Issue 2 - August 2018, 71-77
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