1. A review on sources, occurrence, health effects and treatment methods of fluoride contaminated water
Authors : Dhananjay Singh Shyamal, Pranab Kumar Ghosh
Pages : 42-51
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.112.08
Keywords : Fluoride; Sources; Occurrence; Health Effects; Treatment Methods Abstract :High intake of fluoride above the permissible limit of 1.5 mg/L through drinking water is responsible for skeletal, dental fluorosis and some other health effects in humans. If the intake is below 1 mg/L, it causes dental carries in the teeth. In this paper various natural and anthropogenic sources of fluoride are discussed in short. Worldwide occurrence of fluoride contaminated water is also discussed. Health effects like effects on bone, reproductive effects, dental effects, neurological effects, renal effects, gastrointestinal effects are discussed in brief. Techniques which are being used nowadays for the removal of fluoride from the contaminated water are discussed with their advantages and disadvantages. These techniques are divided into four categories i.e. Adsorption, Precipitation, Membrane-based and Ion Exchange. Various materials which have been used by different researchers are reviewed and tabulated along with their efficiencies or capacities in removing fluoride.
Citing this Journal Article :Dhananjay Singh Shyamal, Pranab Kumar Ghosh, "A review on sources, occurrence, health effects and treatment methods of fluoride contaminated water", Volume 11 Issue 2 - August 2018, 42-51
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