Volume 11 Issue 1 - July 2018

  • 1. Extraction of indonesian field-associated terms from japanese field knowledge

    Authors : Samuel Sangkon Lee

    Pages : 74-80

    DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.111.14

    Keywords : Field-associated Term, Level of Field-associated Term, Theme Field, Indonesian Document Classification

    Abstract :

    Field-associated terms refer to intuitive words which remind certain field of the document. These play roles as the clues for figuring out the field of the document quickly by using information of few words including common sense knowledge through extraction of field-associated terms within the document. Automatic document classification would be possible through document classification system while establishing a large field-associated term dictionary. A document field extraction system reads certain type of document randomly and extracts the most associated document field. This study has been conducted to classify document written in Indonesian language by using Japanese associate knowledge. The result from experiment on the field of politics showed 88.8% and 34.7% of precision and recall ratios respectively. The reason for low recall ratio may be that analysis has been carried out taking into account political environment of Indonesia. In this study, we will attempt to expand this field to classification of field-associated terms of various languages based on Japanese associated knowledge.

    Citing this Journal Article :

    Samuel Sangkon Lee, "Extraction of indonesian field-associated terms from japanese field knowledge", Volume 11 Issue 1 - July 2018, 74-80