1. Early experiences for the construction of ceb tile vaults. preliminary study of the dosage of blocks and mortar.
Authors : Fernando Vegas López-manzanares, Camilla Mileto, F. Javier Gómez-patrocinio, Lidia GarcÃa-soriano
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.111.09
Keywords : Tile vaultCompressed Earth BlockMortar dosage Abstract :The high cost and difficulty in accessing industrialised materials often hinder the development of cooperation projects in the construction of facilities in rural areas of developing countries. In view of this, materials such as compressed earth blocks (CEBs) offer easy alternatives for onsite production by workers with limited specialisation and are used increasingly for this type of building. Based on the research carried out as part of a cooperation project for the construction of a school in Baasneeré (Burkina Faso), this article studies the feasibility of the use of CEBs in the construction of earthen tile vaults. This system makes it possible to build horizontal structural elements with a very limited investment in materials and auxiliary means. The technical feasibility of the solution proposed was studied experimenting with different tests and constructions at Universitat Politècnica de València, using pieces and mortars with different dosages.
Citing this Journal Article :Fernando Vegas López-manzanares, Camilla Mileto, F. Javier Gómez-patrocinio, Lidia GarcÃa-soriano, "Early experiences for the construction of ceb tile vaults. preliminary study of the dosage of blocks and mortar.", Volume 11 Issue 1 - July 2018,
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