1. Precision farming – tomorrow’s technology for sustainable agricultural development
Authors : Vm Abdul Hakkim, E Abhilash Joseph
Pages : 28-30
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.104.06
Keywords : Precision agriculture, site specific farming, hi-tech agriculture Abstract :Precision farming is generally defined as the information and technology based farm management system to identify, analyze and manage variability within fields for optimum profitability, sustainability and protection of the land resource. It is also called as precision agriculture, prescription farming, or site-specific management employs the idea of doing the right thing, at the right place, at the right time. The idea is to know the soil and crop characteristics unique to each part of the field, and to optimize the production inputs within small portions of the field. The concept behind precision agriculture is the production inputs (seed, fertilizer, chemicals, etc.) should be applied only as needed and where needed or the most economic production.
Citing this Journal Article :Vm Abdul Hakkim, E Abhilash Joseph, "Precision farming – tomorrow’s technology for sustainable agricultural development", Volume 10 Issue 4 - June 2018, 28-30
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