1. Cybercrimes over internet and computer networks: rising threats and their forensic solutions
Authors : Anuradha, Ashish Kumar Sharma
Pages : 186-189
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.103.32
Keywords : Hacking, Information Security, Cyber threats, Phishing, Cyber Safety, Digital Data, Digital Forensics, Internet, Cybercrime. Abstract :As there are exponential changes in technology and its use is increased in different organizations, the methods of cybercrime and digital forensics are also being enhanced to face it. Cybercrime is an emerging threats posed by this incredible rise in digitization. Cybercrime means any crime that involves a computer or any electronic devices which process the digital data and use either as a target or as a weapon. Cybercrimes thereby take place in many forms like illegal access and theft of data, intrusion into devices and fraud which is a big concern amongst all the users. To control and investigate cybercrime, the investigators use various Digital forensics methods and mechanisms. Digital forensics is the procedure of investigating computer crimes in cyber world. Many researchers have been done a lot in this area to help forensic investigators to resolve the existing challenges with different methodologies designed by them. Still the desired technologies and tools are not that much efficient that they can control the occurrence of different types of cybercrime activities.This paper explores the need to identify and remain safe from the effects of cybercrime keeping in mind that the recent activities taken place in the world and offering various solutions to protect ourselves from it. In this paper few case studies have also discussed while innovative suggestions for future cyber security proposed.
Citing this Journal Article :Anuradha, Ashish Kumar Sharma, "Cybercrimes over internet and computer networks: rising threats and their forensic solutions", Volume 10 Issue 3 - May 2018, 186-189
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