1. Reporting and analyzing road accidents through mobile application
Authors : D.s.adane, Toshika Gharpande, Ankit Pande, Pushkara Lohare, Priyanka Agrawal, Apurva Kimmatkar, Ayushi Choudhari
Pages : 133-138
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.103.23
Keywords : Android Studio; Data Analysis; Rapid Miner Server; Rapid Miner Studio; SQLite; Software Development Kit. Abstract :Road accidents are the cause of major concern today. Not only the lives are lost, but they also cause substantial damage to road and highway infrastructure. Our application is developed for the users who wish to complain about the accidents and bad condition of roads. Users are provided with an interface to describe the condition of the accident site including the location and image of the spot, extent of loss and other parameters addressing the severity of the accident. The data so obtained, is stored in SQLite database and analyzed using RapidMiner tool so that the concerned authority can get complete overview of the database provided by the users from different sites in the form of pie charts, tables, bar graph and line graphs of different accident prone spots. The application also allows the users to report on poor conditions of roads so that accidents can be avoided beforehand.
Citing this Journal Article :D.s.adane, Toshika Gharpande, Ankit Pande, Pushkara Lohare, Priyanka Agrawal, Apurva Kimmatkar, Ayushi Choudhari, "Reporting and analyzing road accidents through mobile application", Volume 10 Issue 3 - May 2018, 133-138
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