1. Spatial diversity techniques for wireless communication - a comparative analysis
Authors : Ashvini D. Joshi, Prof. H.h.joshi
Pages : 93-97
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.103.17
Keywords : Spatial Diversity, MIMO, LTE, 4G, BER Abstract :Wireless communication has highest growth-rate in last decade[1]. Today, due to different coding and encryption techniques, security is not so much major issue for wireless communication. But modern communication systems are capacity limited[2][3], not interference or coverage limited. Spatial diversity techniques like SISO, SIMO, MISO and MIMO gives improved spectral efficiency and better capacity and coverage to cellular communication with limited bandwidth. BER is used as a tool to compare all of these four techniques and MIMO found to be best among four[4],[5],[6]. Advanced digital communication systems or modern wireless communication systems like 4G uses MIMO to obtain all benefits over 3G.
Citing this Journal Article :Ashvini D. Joshi, Prof. H.h.joshi, "Spatial diversity techniques for wireless communication - a comparative analysis ", Volume 10 Issue 3 - May 2018, 93-97
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