1. Symmetric key encryption algorithm using spider web (esp) version-1
Authors : Aashijit Mukhopadhyay, Soumick Chatterjee , Asoke Nath
Pages : 335-339
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.102.54
Keywords : Spider WebSymmetric Key CryptographyArchimedean SpiralData DiffusionData-insects Abstract :The authors in this paper have introduced a totally new concept of utilizing the spider web structure to store plain text data bytes temporarily and encrypt them. Spider Web [1] is utilized as 2-dimensional data structure in which the plain text information will be stored to complete the encryption process. The encryption process begins with the storage of plain text data bytes in the spider web structure. The pre-generated random data-insects are made to follow a rectilinear path towards the web structure in a constant circular motion around the axis perpendicular to the plane of the web. These random data-insects all on the web and tend to get stuck to the sticky cells and change their characteristics in turn encrypting them. These encrypted characters after several rounds of reaction with random data-insects are then extracted. The random data-insects are re-encrypted using the enlarged key string and finally they are again made to react with the encrypted data bytes to produce a final string which can quite easily and flamboyantly travel through the insecure medium of transmission without the fear of being deciphered by some unknown brute attacker.
Citing this Journal Article :Aashijit Mukhopadhyay, Soumick Chatterjee , Asoke Nath, "Symmetric key encryption algorithm using spider web (esp) version-1", Volume 10 Issue 2 - April 2018, 335-339
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