1. Edge-odd gracefulness of the graphs p2n , np4 + 2pn+2 and f2, n
Authors : C. Vimala, A.sasikala, K. Ruba
Pages : 6-9
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.102.02
Keywords : Graceful Graphs Edge-odd graceful labeling Edge-odd Graceful Graph Abstract :A (p, q) connected graph is edge-odd graceful graph if there exists an injective map f: E(G) → {1, 3, …, 2q-1} so that induced map f+ :V(G) → {0, 1, 2, 3, …, (2k-1)} defined by , where the vertex x is incident with other vertex y and k = max{p, q} makes all the edges distinct and odd. In this article, the Edge-odd gracefulness of the graphs Pn2, nP4 + 2Pn+2, and F2, n is obtained.
Citing this Journal Article :C. Vimala, A.sasikala, K. Ruba, "Edge-odd gracefulness of the graphs p2n , np4 + 2pn+2 and f2, n", Volume 10 Issue 2 - April 2018, 6-9
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