1. Wireless sensor network based real time monitoring system for electrical power distribution network
Authors : Sanjay Chaturvedi, Dr. Arun Parakh, Dr. H.k. Verma
Pages : 244-249
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.101.43
Keywords : Real-time monitoring; Open Source tools; Open Standards; Arduino Uno; ZigBee; Linux; MySQL; Python. Abstract :This paper presents the design and development of a real-time monitoring system for monitoring electrical power distribution systems. The developed system monitors electrical parameters like voltage, current, and frequency at the distribution points and calculates apparent power drawn from the distribution point. This work is targeted on the use of open source tools and open standards for the development of the system. The developed system does not require any third party services for its operation and is a low-cost system. Its modular structure makes it flexible to implement and use. The developed prototype has been tested under various operating conditions and optimistic results have been obtained.
Citing this Journal Article :Sanjay Chaturvedi, Dr. Arun Parakh, Dr. H.k. Verma, "Wireless sensor network based real time monitoring system for electrical power distribution network", Volume 10 Issue 1 - March 2018, 244-249
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