Volume 10 Issue 1 - March 2018

  • 1. Modern warfare use of emps bomb and bio-weapon in uav

    Authors : Sukhjeet Singh Sandhu

    Pages : 212-214

    DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.101.37

    Keywords : Electronic warfare, Biological warefare, Bioweapon, Electromagnetic Pulse, infantry

    Abstract :

    The modern warfare lead to optimization and autoschediasm in the field of weaponry by electronization. New age prognosticate this as electronic and biological warfare. Modern weapons in hands of chaotic organizations are one of the major reasons of unethical deaths of military infantry. Terror invasions have gone worse in recent times. The traditional methods have not yield expected results. To control and restrain the situation, use of EMPs (Electromagnetic Pulse) bomb and Bioweapon would be a big breakthrough. These weapons can be mount on high altitude and artificially intelligent drone which will yield beneficial results. These drones can be remotely or automatically controlled. Thus, use of Bioweapon and EMPs in Indian defense system could save a large number of military infantry casualties, with provision of good head start and slowing down the enemy unit by killing their electronic and electrical units. This will lead to escalation in Indian Defense system.

    Citing this Journal Article :

    Sukhjeet Singh Sandhu, "Modern warfare use of emps bomb and bio-weapon in uav", Volume 10 Issue 1 - March 2018, 212-214