1. Risk factors of neural tube defects: a study
Authors : Tara Jayant
Pages : 32-37
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.93.06
Keywords : NTDsBirth DefectsNutritional DeficiencyFolic Acid Abstract :Neural tube defects (NTDs) are birth defects of brain and spinal cord. The incidence of neural tube defects dates back to Ancient Egyptian times, (Obladen, 2011) when fetuses and infants with anencephaly, myelomeningocele and craniorachischisis were reported. Thomas Mc Keown and RG Record, in a series of case control studies conducted on commonly occurring major defects in 1940s, observed that factors like season and year of birth, maternal age, birth rank and socioeconomic status play important role in causing these defects. They mentioned the role of folic acid in reducing the incidence of neural tube defects (Leek, 1996). Many research findings have confirmed their work. So far, nutritional deficiency in mother, genetic factors and some environmental factors have been found to play important role in causing these defects. The present paper attempts to review the contribution of some principal risk factors in the etiology of NTDs, on the basis of studies and findings of various researchers.
Citing this Journal Article :Tara Jayant, "Risk factors of neural tube defects: a study", Volume 9 Issue 3 - January 2018, 32-37
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