1. Energy efficient grid splitting relay node selection in vanets
Authors : Ankita Dhiman, Amarpreet Singh
Pages : 120-127
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.92.21
Keywords : VANETs, Routing, Energy, Hop Counts, Packet Delivery ratio, End-to-End Delay Abstract :VANET network is created by range of vehicles in which vehicles communicates to the other vehicles by transferring the data packets from one node to a different or to a new. The transmission process should be effective but it can get afflicted if the nodes are located at the far distance from one another. The huge distance between nodes causes an increment in the jump counts due to which the energy of the network gets exhausted previous work. Therefore, it is necessary to enhance the network efficiency by decreasing the amount of hop counts with the minimum end to end delay. This paper provides a novel approach which is a power effective grid system for VANETs. It divides the network into the sub section which brings about a lowering in the space from one node to another node. The results of the job are} also depicted in the result section. This is an evidence study that ensures that the recommended technique can work better and can be considered for further enhancements.
Citing this Journal Article :Ankita Dhiman, Amarpreet Singh, "Energy efficient grid splitting relay node selection in vanets ", Volume 9 Issue 2 - November 2017, 120-127
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