1. Implementation of moving object detection using angle change method
Authors : Neha Garg, Preeti
Pages : 22-27
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.91.04
Keywords : Motion Detection, Angle Change, Video, Object. Abstract :This paper conclude the work in terms of input and output parameter that has been considered while detecting the moving object in video surveillance. It also provides with a look up of our work area. This paper presents a discussion of various techniques like Background subtraction, Block matching, Frame differencing, Optical Flow used in motion detection and also include the comparative analysis of two algorithms first is Colour method(Space vector difference method) and second is angle change method.
Citing this Journal Article :Neha Garg, Preeti, "Implementation of moving object detection using angle change method", Volume 9 Issue 1 - September 2017, 22-27
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