1. A segmentation approach of the ultra sound image to detect renal calculi
Authors : V.velmurugan, P.gnanasivam
Pages : 1-5
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.91.01
Keywords : Ultrasound image, Kidney stone, Regional grow, Renal calculi Abstract :AbstractThis paper proposes to develop the image segmentation method by appraising the various image analysis techniques. The effective method had beenexamined and degree of justification was carried out in various clinical concerns. Currently, we scrutinize a classification of methodology in terms of previous data. New ideas had been obtained from additional papers anddemonstrated about clinical efficiency or potential specific to the ultrasound segmentation of the renal calculi.
Citing this Journal Article :V.velmurugan, P.gnanasivam, "A segmentation approach of the ultra sound image to detect renal calculi ", Volume 9 Issue 1 - September 2017, 1-5
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