1. Challenges before e-governance and customer relationship management – a review
Authors : Sambhaji D. Kadam, Dr. Sanjay Aswale
Pages : 64-66
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.841.10
Keywords : e-governance, Customer Relationship Management, ICT Abstract :People centric or customer centric process to satisfy them is known as Customer Relationship Management. .CRM is often seen as a key element in delivering customer-centric services. E-governance is the organic combination of information technology and government management function. With the development of information technology, government has been upgrading from management-oriented mode to service-oriented one. Therefore CRM is a business strategy to provide comprehensive service from all public organizations i.e e-governance. This paper is focusing on the relationship between e-governance and customer relationship management and its challenges. It is concluded that Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and e-governance is services to satisfy the customer or end users. In the era of Information Technology the usage e-communication devices is growing very fast, Indian government as well as all sectors of the economy is making many efforts to provide services to their beneficiaries through e-Governance. They are spending a lot of money on Customer relationship management as well as e-Governance projects but still there is problem of coverage of all the sectors or areas of our country. Unawareness in people, local language of the people of a particular area, privacy for the personal data of the people etc. are main challenges which are responsible for it. So there is need to make the people aware about the e-Governance activities so that people may take full advantage.
Citing this Journal Article :Sambhaji D. Kadam, Dr. Sanjay Aswale, "Challenges before e-governance and customer relationship management – a review", Volume 8 Issue 4-1 - August 2017, 64-66
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