1. Mobility prediction using movement, semantic and social data: a survey
Authors : S.sridhar Raj, M.nandhini
Pages : 14-19
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.841.03
Keywords : Data mining, Mobility prediction, Spatial-Temporal data, Trajectory analysis, Pattern mining Abstract :Mobility prediction of human and objects have a variety of application benefits such as tracking of a mobile device, vehicle route optimizing, human activity time optimization, etc., In order to perform these mobility predictions, large amount of collection and analysis of positioning data from sensors is required. These patterns are mined and predicted based on the movement, semantic and social data. In this paper, we survey about the various applications of mobility pattern prediction based on the type of data used and data mining techniques applied by categorizing the movement prediction of human and objects to next single or sequence of locations.
Citing this Journal Article :S.sridhar Raj, M.nandhini, "Mobility prediction using movement, semantic and social data: a survey ", Volume 8 Issue 4-1 - August 2017, 14-19
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