1. Influence of bacillus pumilus on the corrosion of mild steel in biodiesel
Authors : Malarvizhi.s, Shyamala.r
Pages : 283-288
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.83.043
Keywords : Biodiesel, Microbiologically influenced corrosion, Jatropha curcas,mild steel, Laser profilometry, SEM. Abstract :Biodeisel is considered to be one of the viable forms of renewable energy and plays a significant role in the battle against environmental degradation and global warming. Because of its inherent characteristics, widespread use of biodiesel in the existing infrastructure may cause microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC). Hence this study aims to investigate the influence of bacteria Bacillus pumilus isolated from the sediments of Jatropha curcas biodiesel on the corrosion of mild steel in biodiesel/petrodiesel blends by mass loss method. Surface morphology was studied using Laser profilometry and SEM.
Citing this Journal Article :Malarvizhi.s, Shyamala.r, "Influence of bacillus pumilus on the corrosion of mild steel in biodiesel", Volume 8 Issue 3 - May 2017, 283-288
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