1. Implementation of sensor diagnosis based on autosar
Authors : Banushree, Dr. S Gayathri
Pages : 215-221
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.83.032
Keywords : Automotive Open System Architecture (AUTOSAR), Electronic Control Unit (ECU), Micro Controller Abstract Layer (MCAL), Input Output Layer (I/O Layer), Runtime Environment Layer (RTE). Abstract :In the automotive industry, increased competition and market regulatory pressures are forcing the original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to reduce the cost of their products. As a result, focus on cost control and implementation of effective system is expected. In this regard, it is necessary to implement a suitable diagnosis of the sensor circuit based on which automobile is essentially driven. The incorrect value of sensor may lead to erroneous prediction of the situation and that might lead to malfunction of the module and also the noise immunity protections for the read sensor values is also becoming an ever more challenging task to be accomplished.This paper focuses on the analysis and implementation of sensor diagnosis with an input filter for ADC driver for reliable input, based on AUTOSAR standard. This filter helps to obtain steady analog voltage through input and avoid the effect of sudden high frequency spike that might occur resulting in maintenance of the quality of the designed module for diagnosis of sensor.
Citing this Journal Article :Banushree, Dr. S Gayathri, "Implementation of sensor diagnosis based on autosar", Volume 8 Issue 3 - May 2017, 215-221
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