1. Real time tracking and health monitoring of soldiers using gps and gsm module
Authors : Kumar Kandukuri, R.sindhuja, D.thasneem
Pages : 203-207
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.83.030
Keywords : Biosensors, wireless transmission, location tracking, landmine detection system. Abstract :This project gives an ability to track the location and monitor health of the soldiers who become lost and get injured in the battlefield. It helps to minimize the time, search and rescue operation efforts of army control unit. This system enables the army base station to track the location using GPS module and health monitoring using wireless biosensor such as temperature sensor, heart rate sensor, pressure sensor. The metal detector is also used here to detect land mines. The data coming from sensor and GPS receiver is transmitted through the GSM module. Also a soldier can ask help from control room and communicate with other soldiers who are present within the wireless transmission and reception range using panic button.
Citing this Journal Article :Kumar Kandukuri, R.sindhuja, D.thasneem, "Real time tracking and health monitoring of soldiers using gps and gsm module", Volume 8 Issue 3 - May 2017, 203-207
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