1. Strength improvisation of m25 grade concrete by partial replacement of coarse and fine aggregate
Authors : B.satyanarayanaraju, B.nihith Krishna, M.chiranjeevi
Pages : 198-202
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.83.029
Keywords : Demolished aggregates, Recycled Coarse Aggregates (RCA), Robo sand, Manufactured sand, compressive strength, replacement of coarse aggregates, replacement of fine aggregates, special concrete Abstract :Concrete has occupied an important place in construction industry in the past few decades and it is used widely in all types of constructions ranging from small buildings to large infrastructural dams or reservoirs. It is the most widely used man-made construction material in the construction world. Ever since concrete has been accepted as material for construction, civil engineers have been trying to improve its quality, strength etc., against adverse conditions.Hence in the current study is an attempt made to minimize the cost of aggregates with concrete mix grades M25 by studying the mechanical behavior of these concrete mixes by replacing with advanced mineral admixture such as Robo sand and Recycled coarse aggregates in concrete mixes as partial replacement of sand and gravel. Robo sand is a by-product material produced from the process of crushing the stones and Recycled coarse aggregates are obtained from the debris of the collapsed building. Use of Robo sand and recycled coarse aggregates does not only reduce the cost of construction but also helps to reduce the impact on environment by consuming the material generally considered as waste product.Therefore an experimental study is conducted to evaluate the workability and strength characteristics of hardened concrete, by partially replacing the sand by 50% of Robo sand and gravel by various percentages of Recycled coarse aggregates for M25 grade of concrete at different ages. The mixes were designed using IS Code method. In this project, properties of concrete have been assessed by partially replacing sand with Robo sand and gravel by Recycled coarse aggregates is separately done in one phase. The fine aggregate has been replaced by Robo sand accordingly in the range of 0% (without Robo sand), and 50% by weight and coarse aggregates has been replaced by Recycled coarse aggregates in the range of 0%, 10%, 20%, and 30% is by weight for M25 mix. Concrete mixtures were produced, tested and compared in terms of compreSsive strength with the conventional concrete; the tests have been made to study for 3days, 7 days and 28 days.
Citing this Journal Article :B.satyanarayanaraju, B.nihith Krishna, M.chiranjeevi, "Strength improvisation of m25 grade concrete by partial replacement of coarse and fine aggregate", Volume 8 Issue 3 - May 2017, 198-202
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