1. Failure analysis of alumino thermic welded rail
Authors : Akhileshwar Mani Tripathi, Ram Jatan Yadav
Pages : 192-197
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.83.028
Keywords : Fracture, welded rails, HAZ Abstract :With the increasing speed, heavier axle loads, mixed type of traffic, added with rail manufacturing defects, not following welding procedures in total and poor maintenance standards, the service life of rails has been drastically reduced. Many premature rail renewals have been done in the recent years on Indian railways due to rail failures in large numbers. Rail is the backbone of track structure and it should be protected from any defect, so that it can live its service life. The Rails account for large proportion (from 30%- 50%) of the cost of new infrastructure. Management of this asset, its maintenance and its renewal costs play a key role in the optimization of track maintenance cost. Rail is the components which are directly subject to stresses and undergo direct wear by rolling stock. Fatigue and fracture of rails is a rather complex issue. It has to be distinguished between rails in straight and curved track sections, rails of tracks which are operated in one or in both directions rail butt welds, switches, etc. Rail fracture taking place nowadays becomes severe problem for rail manufacturer and users both. Starting from manufacturing defects upto the environmental conditions there are so many parameters which are governing the rail fracture for new rail as well as welded rail. In this case failure analysis gives us the guidelines to avoid such failure of rails and also to overcome such phenomenon again and again. Present paper discussed about an AT welded rail which was failed during service. There are two samples taken first one has completed a service life of 1.5 months and other 3 months.
Citing this Journal Article :Akhileshwar Mani Tripathi, Ram Jatan Yadav, "Failure analysis of alumino thermic welded rail", Volume 8 Issue 3 - May 2017, 192-197
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