1. Attacks and countermeasure, trust model in wireless sensor network: research challenges
Authors : Shaileshkumar Mahendralal Gheewala
Pages : 188-191
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.83.027
Keywords : Wireless Sensor Network, Security issue, Trust based Model. Abstract :A wireless Sensor network (WSN) consists of battery operated sensing and computing devices deploying for monitoring application. With the advent of new technologies WSNs are providing a new class of information to human beings, In most cases the network are stationary but as a revolutionary step the WSNs have to consider mobility. Recent research has provided means by which WSN has more secure communication or data aggregation. The unreliable network and deployment of nodes in open environments leads to several kind of attack. In this research paper analyzed existing attacks, counter measure model and methods are proposed.
Citing this Journal Article :Shaileshkumar Mahendralal Gheewala, "Attacks and countermeasure, trust model in wireless sensor network: research challenges", Volume 8 Issue 3 - May 2017, 188-191
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