1. Comparative study on solar photovoltaic panel for different slope angles
Authors : S. Irfan Sadaq, Dr. Syed Nawazish Mehdi, Greeshma Ravi, Sankalp Milin
Pages : 172-177
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.83.024
Keywords : Radiations, Solar Photovoltaic Cells, Mono-Crystalline, Poly-Crystalline, Declination. Abstract :The use of solar photovoltaic electricity generation had become an effective way to exploit the sun’s energy as well as reduce saddle on the power grid. The main purpose of this project is to analyze different types of commercially available solar panels presented for Hyderabad’s climatic conditions especially at the exact co-ordinates of SUES Campus, Hyderabad. The analysis entitles determining the performance of each panel at different slope angles at various times in a year. The target here is to obtain the most efficient panel for a solar powered setup on the campus.
Citing this Journal Article :S. Irfan Sadaq, Dr. Syed Nawazish Mehdi, Greeshma Ravi, Sankalp Milin, "Comparative study on solar photovoltaic panel for different slope angles", Volume 8 Issue 3 - May 2017, 172-177
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