1. Remote automation system control using arduino board
Authors : Kusay F. Al-tabatabaie, Koraw Dara Hama
Pages : 161-167
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.83.022
Keywords : Smart home automation; Arduino; android mobile; Blynk server. Abstract :- This research paper aims to design a smart home system by utilizing Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) based on Android mobile operating systems and Arduino microcontroller. The system is able to monitor and control room temperature, lights, alarms and other house appliance. Test bed shows proper controlling and monitoring functionalities to a network using Blynk application. It gives powerful support for special needs of the elderly and people with disabilities.
Citing this Journal Article :Kusay F. Al-tabatabaie, Koraw Dara Hama, "Remote automation system control using arduino board ", Volume 8 Issue 3 - May 2017, 161-167
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