1. Evaluation on failure of an automobile differential gear box
Authors : G Srikanth Reddy, M Promod Reddy
Pages : 75-83
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.83.010
Keywords : Modeling, Analysis, Steel and Nichrome Steel. Abstract :The discussion in this paper is on the design and analysis of gears assembly in differential gear box. During operation of gears, there is a problem of failure at contact regions. This can be minimized by modification of the gear material by assuming the bevel gears in static and dynamic conditions.The purpose of this paper is to develop the model of a bevel gear assembly and to determine the effect of meshing gear tooth stresses and displacement. In present market, the materials used for gears manufacturing are Cast Iron and Cast steel. In this study comparison was done between Ni-Cr steel and steel. The design is done in Solid works software and analyzed using ANSYS work bench. The justification has been done by considering a full literature review.
Citing this Journal Article :G Srikanth Reddy, M Promod Reddy, "Evaluation on failure of an automobile differential gear box", Volume 8 Issue 3 - May 2017, 75-83
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