1. A survey on various mobile malware attacks and security characteristics
Authors : Bala Ganesh, Dr. Amlan Chakrabarti, Dr. Divya
Pages : 448-454
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.82.060
Keywords : Mobile, Malware, Hardware, Software, Attack. Abstract :The increase of the smart devices is quickly expanding and is progressively turning out to be more modern device in the recent smart world. This expanding prominence is making the attackers have a flawless focus on it. The smart devices prepared with the advanced complicated software and hardware systems are paying way for the profit of the malware attackers. The malware authors targets the mobile devices and destruct the information in the devices like privacy theft, information theft, denial of service, distributed denial of service and so on. There should be an effective mechanism implemented to overcome these threats and protect the devices from these severe implications malwares. To provide the cost-effective output solution for the smart devices malware detection, the optimization techniques to be improved for the end users control during run-time.
Citing this Journal Article :Bala Ganesh, Dr. Amlan Chakrabarti, Dr. Divya, "A survey on various mobile malware attacks and security characteristics ", Volume 8 Issue 2 - March 2017, 448-454
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