1. Developing the steam turbine blades by using various materials instead of existng one and conducting the stress analysis
Authors : Silambarasan.m, Arivazhagan. K
Pages : 358-366
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.82.049
Keywords : steam turbine, turbine Blades Abstract :A steam turbine is a prime mover in which rotary motion is obtained by the gradual change of momentum of the steam. In a steam turbine the force extracted on the blades is due to the velocity of the steam. This is due to the fact the curved blades by changing the direction of the steam receive a force or impulse. The action of steam in this case is said to be dynamic. As a consequence of the significant amount of time spent away from the design point, the result of negligible pressure drop across the rotor is no longer valid and an appreciable axial force is present. Finite element stress analysis results must also be evaluated, but the fact that stress analysis is so much more. It may be noted that, considering the thermal analysis carried out on the different materials which shows the heat losses due to transfer must be less so that total heat is fully converted to mechanical energy; this may causes the increases in percentage of output power.
Citing this Journal Article :Silambarasan.m, Arivazhagan. K , "Developing the steam turbine blades by using various materials instead of existng one and conducting the stress analysis ", Volume 8 Issue 2 - March 2017, 358-366
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