1. Estimating the overall sentiment score by inferring modus ponens law
Authors : Nithya Ramachandran, Maheswari D
Keywords : Discrete Mathematics, Modus Ponens Law, Natural Language Processing, Sentiment Analysis, Pattern Mining Abstract :
Growing business intelligence drives new era of the mining sentiment behind the users' comments posted on the web. Many researchers focus on the supervised and unsupervised technique, but still it is challenging to choose the prompt one. The proposed model discusses about the application of rules of inference for developing sentiment analysis based application. Till now there is no research work made on identifying the sentiment and to calculate the sentiment score by inferring the Modus Ponens Law from Discrete Mathematics. With this hope the analysis is made and its evaluation metrics shows better result.
Citing this Journal Article :Nithya Ramachandran, Maheswari D, "Estimating the overall sentiment score by inferring modus ponens law", Volume 8 Issue 2 - March 2017,
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