1. E-waste recycling issues in india
Authors : R P Sivakumaran, G Shanmugasundaram, Dr. K M Anandkumar
Pages : 116-119
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.82.018
Keywords : e-waste,toxic chemicals recycling guidelineslegislations Abstract :E-waste is a global issue which possesses threats to environment and health. E-waste by itself is not problem but only the disposal is the problem. India is one among the developing countries which generate huge quantity of e-waste. E-waste contains many hazardous but also valuable and scarce materials. Precious metals like Gold, Silver, and Platinum etc. are present in the e-waste. Chemicals such as Arsenic, Lead, and toxic fumes such as furans, dioxins are also present in the electronic waste. The method and procedures involved in the disposal of electronic waste is a complex one. Implementing the 3R concept for disposing electronic waste in India is litter more complex. There are several issues connected with recycling of e-waste in India such as legal, social, policy, political and so on. In this paper, we try to identify the issues related to recycling of e-waste in India. Possible solutions to address these issues are also discussed in this paper.
Citing this Journal Article :R P Sivakumaran, G Shanmugasundaram, Dr. K M Anandkumar, "E-waste recycling issues in india", Volume 8 Issue 2 - March 2017, 116-119
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