1. Reactive power capacity enhancement of a pv-grid system to increase pv penetration level
Authors : Preeta Singh, Tarun Tailor
Pages : 472-479
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.81.060
Keywords : Photovoltaic Distributed Generation System, reactive power compensation, PV penetration Abstract :Prompted by the need for clean energy sources due to environmental constraint, increasing numbers of photovoltaic (PV) generators are being connected to electricity distribution systems around the world. Due to the high penetrations of such generators it is required to understand and quantify its technical impact on the operation and performance of electricity distribution systems. This paper proposes a novel scheme, where an auxiliary circuit (comprising an inverter and reactive power bank, RPB), in conjunction with a PV-grid system increases the system’s reactive power compensation capacity. In spite of using only the conventional capacitor/inductor bank, the entire VAR range can be controlled. The proposed scheme enables the local Photovoltaic Distributed Generation System (PV-DGS) to provide the necessary reactive power support for the mitigation of large voltage variation on the feeder because of load variation and intermittent solar radiation. In order to properly predict these effects and to quantify them detailed modeling, analysis and control design is included in this work.
Citing this Journal Article :Preeta Singh, Tarun Tailor, "Reactive power capacity enhancement of a pv-grid system to increase pv penetration level", Volume 8 Issue 1 - January 2017, 472-479
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