Volume 8 Issue 1 - January 2017

  • 1. Design of modified booth encoder with power suppression technique

    Authors : Vasudeva G, Venkatesh S N

    Pages : 222-229

    DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.81.030

    Keywords : Modified Booths Encoder SPST,Radix-4,Digital Signal Processing

    Abstract :

    The project titled “Designing of Modified Booth Encoder with power suppression technique” is useful technique in reducing the area, delay and power consumption. Recent studies in designing of DSP systems have revealed loss of high performance due to huge area utilization and delay. In Radix-4 Modified Booth encoder the partial products has been reduced to half of the earlier one. Hence the number of adders are reduced, so the area consumption will be reduced and delay in the output also reduced by a factor. The power Suppression technique used along with the Modified booth Encoder is SPST (Spurious Power Suppression Technique). By using this technique the glitches can be reduced and avoids unwanted operation such as addition of repeated zeros. Therefore the power consumption will be less. Hence this project is useful in the field of signal processing and also very useful in portable systems.

    Citing this Journal Article :

    Vasudeva G, Venkatesh S N, "Design of modified booth encoder with power suppression technique ", Volume 8 Issue 1 - January 2017, 222-229