1. An effectual emotion recognition system based on fuzzy logic
Authors : Vibha Dutta, R.c Gangwar, Mohit Marwaha
Pages : 122-131
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.81.016
Keywords : Emotion recognition, MATLAB, Fuzzy logic. Abstract :Despite the fact that sharing pictures and recordings are well known, messages and blog articles still remain as an essential part to express feelings. Contrasted with exploration of feeling identification in multimodal fields, sentiment discovery from text is still unexplored and requires more changes to be amassed as useful applications. That is why need of effectual classification algorithm is very much required these days. This paper presents the work that depends on execution of fuzzy logic in perceiving emotions from text. The work is based on implementation of fuzzy logic in recognizing emotions from text in MATLAB environment.
Citing this Journal Article :Vibha Dutta, R.c Gangwar, Mohit Marwaha, "An effectual emotion recognition system based on fuzzy logic", Volume 8 Issue 1 - January 2017, 122-131
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