1. Mobile crowd sensing for urban computing
Authors : Prajakta Joglekar, Vrushali Kulkarni
Pages : 344-351
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.74.047
Keywords : urban computingmobile crowd sensingMCScitizen sciencenoise pollutionevent detection Abstract :Urban computing aims to improve the quality of life of ordinary citizens by providing sustainable solutions. This paper reviewed how Mobile Crowd Sensing can be used for urban computing. The paper listed the features and advantages of mobile crowd sensing mechanism. It highlighted the challenges involved in mobile crowd sensing. The paper also presented a comprehensive study of Apps used to monitor ambient noise data, and compared the ways in which the listed challenges have been tackled in those Apps. The authors proposed a framework for better aggregation analysis of crowdsensed data, which would help in event discovery of urban region.
Citing this Journal Article :Prajakta Joglekar, Vrushali Kulkarni, "Mobile crowd sensing for urban computing ", Volume 7 Issue 4 - November 2016, 344-351
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