1. Thermodynamic analysis of vapour absorption refrigeration system using solar energy
Authors : Vadlamudi Srikanth, B.raja Narender , Dr.avssks Gupta
Pages : 17-26
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.74.003
Keywords : Solar Aborption, Ammonia-Water mixture,Thermodynamic analysis. Abstract :A binary mixture of ammonia-water is used as working fluid. When the mixture gets heat more volatile ammonia vaporizing first and then water starts vaporizing. In the present work, firstly property data for ammonia and ammonia water mixture are calculated from the equation developed based on the first law of thermodynamics to obtain the specific enthalpy, specific entropy and specific volume. C program was developed to calculated specific enthalpy, specific entropy and specific volume of ammonia and ammonia water mixture at a given temperature, pressure and concentration. The thermodynamic analysis of ammonia – water is done. Solar based vapour absorption refrigeration cycle is identified. The key parameters which influence the cycle performance such as generator inlet and evaporator temperatures are studied. The current analysis results indicate that, the COP of cycle slightly decreases by varying the concentration of ammonia at constant generator temperature and pressure. The slight decrease in COP could be because of increasing the concentration of ammonia, the properties of ammonia i.e., enthalpy at generator exit increases resulting in increase in work input. Similarly with increase in pressure work input increase at generator, thus reducing the COP . As the pressure increases with concentration of ammonia kept at constant, the enthalpy at the generator increases resulting in increase in generator heat input. Hence as pressure increases COP decreases.
Citing this Journal Article :Vadlamudi Srikanth, B.raja Narender , Dr.avssks Gupta , "Thermodynamic analysis of vapour absorption refrigeration system using solar energy", Volume 7 Issue 4 - November 2016, 17-26
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