1. Data stratified collation wireless sensor networks
Authors : Shiva Shankar Reddy, K V S Murthy, D Ravibabu, Vmnssvkr Gupta
Pages : 589-597
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.73.5779
Keywords : Aggregation, attackers, cryptographic methods Abstract :Wireless sensor networks are typically unnecessary, because strength of monitoring is needed. An aggregator node aggregates the data from multiple sensors that in turn send the only aggregated values to base station. Currently, because of sensor nodes computing power and resources of energy are limited, very easy algorithms are used for aggregating the data for example averaging. But the above used averaging algorithm was identified to be very risk to faults, and more significantly to malicious attacks. As the attackers get access completely to the information that is stored in compromised nodes, cryptographic methods were not a remedy. WSN. Because of this enhanced and much more complicated algorithms are in need for aggregating the data in future WSN. The below presented algorithm allows the base station to figure out the predicate count and Sum securely still the attack present at that time. The attack-resilient computation algorithm calculates the true aggregate by sorting out the inputs of compromised nodes in the hierarchy of the aggregation. Systematic theoretical analysis and wide-ranging simulation study demonstrate that the algorithm do better than other existing methods.
Citing this Journal Article :Shiva Shankar Reddy, K V S Murthy, D Ravibabu, Vmnssvkr Gupta, "Data stratified collation wireless sensor networks", Volume 7 Issue 3 - September 2016, 589-597
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