1. Detecting design patterns in object-oriented program source code by using graph matching algorithm
Authors : Ghanshyam Yadav, Anil Kumar Pandey, Ravi Shankar Shukla
Pages : 545-550
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.73.572
Keywords : design patterns,UML,matching,matrix,one-one correspondence,Maintenance. Abstract :Design Patterns are solution to common continual design issues. Design Pattern Detection is most significant activity that will support lots of re-engineering method and so provides significant info to the designer. information of design pattern exists within the system design improves the program understanding and software system maintenance. Therefore, an automatic and reliable design pattern discovery is needed. Graph theoretical approaches had been used for design pattern detection in past. Here we tends to applying the algorithm that relies on the graph matching. A similar algorithm we tends to using here for design pattern detection from the system design.
Citing this Journal Article :Ghanshyam Yadav, Anil Kumar Pandey, Ravi Shankar Shukla, "Detecting design patterns in object-oriented program source code by using graph matching algorithm", Volume 7 Issue 3 - September 2016, 545-550
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